Z-z-z-ZOMBIES! World's foremost zombie movie authority Theron Seckington and coattail-riding website owner Jonathon Irons celebrate the decrepit, terrifying, and often illuminating zombie apocalypse genre.

Each episode features a discussion on one film, covering the content, technical aspects, historical context, and relation to the rest of the genre. Zombies are great monsters, sure, but they're also indicative of larger societal trends in which our collective fears shift and morph with the passage of time and political borders. Also brains.


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Cabin in the Woods

It Was The Pioneer Days, People Had To Build Their Own Interrogation Rooms!

An episode of "Board the Windows"

Cabin in the Woods

What could be a better hideout from the zombie apocalypse than a disheveled cabin in the woods of dubious ownership? Theron and Jon don't have much time to answer, so they quickly find themselves in an ominous basement filled with haunted podcasting equipment and...a genie? Named Grant?

Check out...

Carnival of Souls

You Don't Want To Be Alone, Do You?

An episode of "Board the Windows"

Carnival of Souls

Rising from a watery crash, our intrepid explorers of the zombie apocalypse Jon and Theron seek refuge in a desolate dancehall at the water's edge. Stumbling conveniently upon rusty podcast equipment and a TV, they discover Herk Harvey's 1962 independent proto-zombie flick, "Carnival of Souls."


Diary of the Dead

Where Will You Be When The End Begins?

An episode of "Board the Windows"

Diary of the Dead

In this, our first episode, hapless and unassuming local guys Jon and Theron find themselves holed up in an abandoned farmhouse. Temporarily safe from the roaming undead, they settle in for a movie using whatever happens to be in the now dead family's DVD player... George Romero's 2007 found footage...